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Feet Care Tips

Leonardo da Vinci called the foot "a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art." And it was Socrates who said, "When our feet hurt, we hurt all over." And as we all know, it was the ancient Greek hero, Achilles, who gave his name to the largest and strongest tendon in the foot. Today, however feet are often forgotten when we think in terms of caring for our bodies.

Feet Care Illustrations
To most people, following a daily grooming regime to ensure that they look and feel their best is automatic. Unfortunately, many people neglect to pay the same attention to their feet as they do to the rest of their body.

It is estimated that more than 70% of all people in the United States will have painful foot problems at some time during their life. However, foot pain is not normal. Following a few simple daily foot-care practices can prevent foot pain and keep your feet healthy and strong.

5 steps toward fit feet

1. Feet should be washed daily in warm (never hot) water. If you soak your feet, make sure to do so no longer than 10 minutes. Dry your feet well and be sure to check between the toes for cracks and dryness which allow bacteria to grow, increasing the risk of infection.

2. If you have dry skin, it is advisable to apply a skin lotion, but do not put the lotion between the toes.

3. NEVER use sharp scissors or razors on your feet. Do not cut or dig at the corners of the toenail. Always trim the nail straight across, and not too short.

4. Make sure to wear clean socks or stockings, changed daily. Do not wear socks that too short or tight. Always wear shoes that fit properly.

5. If you suffer from sweaty feet or are prone to athlete's foot, wear shoes made of leather or canvas instead of synthetics. Sandals can also help. It is also a good idea to switch shoes from day to day. Make sure to use a good foot powder daily, and if the problem persists, see your doctor!

Shoes that fit properly are vital to good foot-care

Does the shoe fit? You are the only one that can tell if the shoes you are buying fit properly. If they feel uncomfortable--don't buy them!

Leather shoes are best because leather breaths (like skin) and molds to your foot. Make sure that the insoles are cushioned. This will absorb the jolts of walking on hard surfaces.

Feet spread with age, therefore make sure you have your feet measured each time you buy shoes. Always measure both feet as they are not always the same size. If one foot is larger then the other, always buy for the biggest foot.

Shop for shoes late in the afternoon, for it is then that feet swell to their largest.

Make sure there is enough room in the shoe to wiggle all of your toes. Also check to ensure that the heel fits snugly and that the instep does not gape open.

High heels may look good and be fashionable, but never wear them for long periods of time or for walking long distances. High heels cramp the toes and also change body posture.

When buying shoes, always keep in mind that comfort and function should come before style. Well-fitting shoes that feel comfortable will help keep your feet healthy and prevent future foot problems.

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